Saturday, December 07, 2019

Good News! There's good Rockin' goodnight! πŸŽΈπŸŽ… The hats arrived and they are sensational!!! I got more buttons from my pal Darryl Young too! The stitched logo looks better than I had imagined! If you ordered already, they go out Monday! If you didn't order, what are you waiting for? They will be in limited supply before Christmas and I will be bringing them to all of my events, so they will g... See More β€” with Wes Garlatz and Jonathan Johnson in Oak Lawn, Illinois.

Christmas shopping in full swing!

My friend Don posted a picture of my Dad at an officer Friendly function, concerning bike safety and a button I drew when I was very small 😁 I always supported the police and watched them on tv almost every night back then! #officerfriendly #dad

Got the garage lit and Santa and his flashing red ornament too πŸŽ… Merry Christmas! #friday

Merry Christmas Darling!

Join me! This is the cool place that is also a comedy museum, loaded with collectibles from anything that has to do with laughs! #christmas #rankinbassproductions #holidayseason2019 #fun β€” at The Comedy Shrine.

Get your tickets at

Here is a pretty cool CBS NEWS shot of my office!

C. 2019 Jake Barlow/CBS NEWS

I am working on a cover story for RetroFan magazine issue #12 for November 2020!  Another great magazine!   

Pick up the new issue of ReMind Magazine with my Frosty article in it too!  It is on news stands now as is the Scary Monsters magazine with my interview in it.

Jack Frost is 40 this year! I always loved the Paul Coker art in this ad! Robert Morse called me on Christmas day a few years back and Rankin/Bass Productions meant a lot to him!

'Tis the season!

Friday, December 06, 2019

A few more pics from last night from a friend Scot! ABC7 is on way over now πŸŽ…

Just shot a piece with ABC7 Chicago with Jalyn Henderson and Joey Safchik πŸŽ… It will be shared soon! Thanks to my ABC and Superdawg amigo Mike O'Reilley too 🦌 55 years for Rudolph today! #abc7 #rankinbassproductions #christmas

Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer Celebrates 50th Anniversary..55 today!

55 years today!   
 Romeo Muller and Antony Peters created all of the characters in the TV special!

Here are a few outtakes from our CBS NEWS pictorial that will be coming to CBSNEWS.COM soon!

 Home Sweet Home!

Dennis had no idea we were doing a CBS shoot until he got here!  Photographs by Jake Barlow/CBS NEWS

Thursday, December 05, 2019

I will be on WGN Radio this coming Wednesday December 11th at 1:45 Pm LIVE in-studio on The Anna Davlantes show!

You can stream and I believe watch live at

ABC7 is coming tomorrow Afternoon to do a story on Frosty's 50th!

I have to say, the Oak Lawn Public Library rocked tonight! I forgot my phone and Kelly White, from the Reporter Newspaper, was kind enough to send me her photos. I was the Editorial Cartoonist for The Reporter for 10 years starting in 1989. My first cartoon was on the Batman movie. We had a nice, enthusiastic group tonight and I got a pretty good multi- media presentation on Frosty across πŸŽ… #christmas #rankinbassproductions #frostythesnowman #rickgoldschmidt

Tonight at 7 pm at the Oak Lawn Public Library! Come and meet me and hear my presentation!

Wednesday, December 04, 2019

A Rankin/Bass 6 pack!

We worked on a story for CBSNEWS.COM tonight with my friend Jake Barlow and Margot and got in a little band practice with Dennis in between. A really cool, artistic holiday night that will be documented on their national site soon πŸŽ…πŸ¦Œ #cbsnews #rankinbassproductions #rickgoldschmidtinterview #christmas #rudolphtherednosedreindeer #frostythesnowman #cbstv #news

A podcast interview I did with my friend Mark Arnold

Tomorrow night at the Oak Lawn Public Library!

I am told there is an interview I did a while back in the new issue of Scary Monsters magazine, which you can pick up at Barnes & Noble and other news stands. C. 2011 Miser Bros Press/Rick Goldschmidt Archives #madmonsterparty #scarychristmas

 C. 2011 Miser Bros Press/Rick Goldschmidt Archives

Johnny Mathis - Christmas Medley (1965)

Tuesday, December 03, 2019

Merry Christmas in December!

It's Sheer ANIMAGIC!

55 years for Roemo Muller and Tony Peter's creations this Friday and I believe Freeform is showing then. Rankin/Bass' Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer

 C. 2019 Peter Lutrario
 Santa and Rudolph got to watch themselves on CBS again last night!   Unfortunately, CBS is still showing a badly edited version we talk about every single year.  The Blu Ray/DVD is also a mess!   Santa and Rudolph were restored in 2006, but the actual Rankin/Bass special is still waiting for a proper restoral.  Thanks to my friend Peter for sending the pictures.

 My sister took my niece and nephew to Sea World today to actually meet some of the creations of Romeo Muller and Antony Peters, under the direction of Arthur Rankin, Jr. and Jules Bass.  Clarice was actually named after one of Romeo's closest friends.  I am so glad I keep in touch with both families to keep in the loop.

 Merchandise based on the Muller/Peters creations from Rankin/Bass' Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer as far as the eye can see!  My sister said it is all over the place.

Someone just sent me this program after they noticed that the actual creators of the classic 55 year old TV Special's names were nowhere to be found, even though it is the exact same story written by Romeo Muller and the exact same Antony Peters character designs.  No mention of the Producers Arthur Rankin, Jr. and Jules Bass either.  There never would have been a TV Special, if not for them.