Saturday, December 03, 2011
The BEST RANKIN/BASS Holiday CD issue...

The FROSTY on the CD cover was inked by my friend PATRICK OWSLEY


From my dear friend...

Friday, December 02, 2011

Some fans have been asking about FAME & FURTUNE..the song and animated segment that was added to RANKIN/BASS' RUDOLPH THE RED-NOSED REINDEER in 1965. Willard Saloff and THE GENERAL ELECTRIC CO. ordered the change. The newly animated segment featured trees that were not decorated, as they were in the original WE'RE A COUPLE OF MISFITS segment. This segment was a BONUS on the DVD when the name RANKIN/BASS was on the cover BUT it has strangely disappeared from the DVD and BLU RAY. Why are there no EXTRAS on the NEW issues? I can not answer that. FAME AND FORTUNE appeared on the network airing of the classic RANKIN/BASS special from 1965 until 1998. Some miss it. I like having it as an extra on the DVD. Arthur Rankin and Jules Bass liked the special as it originally appeared in 1964...and so do I. You can view some of the original 1964 elements on our MEDIA PAGE.
CBS shows a poorly edited version of WE'RE A COUPLE OF MISFITS every year. It combines some of the animation from FAME & FORTUNE with WE'RE A COUPLE OF MISFITS and the mouths on the characters don't even match the words of the song????? I can't explain this. I guess commercials are the priority and the content of the show matters little to them.
SAM's voice

I had a question about BURL IVES/SAM on my FACEBOOK page. Yes, LARRY D. MANN recorded Sam's parts first in CANADA. I have heard these recordings via Ellie Cowan (voice supervisor BERNARD COWAN's son). SAM doesn't appear in any scenes with the other characters, so it was easy for this change to be made. SAM was described as a NICELY NICELY type character from GUYS AND DOLLS by Romeo Muller...hence the vest with chain watch. The animators may have animated a SAM without BURL's beard and look BUT have never seen photos of this.
Thursday, December 01, 2011
RANKIN/BASS' SANTA CLAUS IS COMIN' TO TOWN on ABC TV tonight at 7pm (Central time)!
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
ONE DAY SALE at www.miserbros.com

Tuesday, November 29, 2011