I gave my friend JACK DAVIS a call! For those of you that may not know, JACK designed many of the RANKIN/BASS Specials and TV series including THE JACKSON FIVE SHOW, THE KING KONG SHOW and MAD MONSTER PARTY. He is also one of my very favorite artists and did work for TIME MAGAZINE, TV GUIDE, MAD MAGAZINE and the list goes on! ARTHUR RANKIN took some pictures with him a few years back when he visited him at his home/studio in Georgia and is looking for them right now, for me to post. These images come from a GREAT book that I HIGHLY RECOMMEND called THE ARTIST WITHIN by Greg Preston.
Getting ready for my daughter Sara's outdoor Birthday party on August 16 (Her Birthday is the 17th)! My brother Chris will be playing drums. He couldn't make practice tonight because his wife Karen is having surgery in the am.
Don't let the sun...go down on me. Where is that PALERMO's delivery man?
The SUMMER wind!
One of the BEST songs we added to our set tonight, is THE KINK'S "Tired of Waiting For You" in the GREEN DAY re-make version.
"If you want to be a Debbie Downer....SABOTAGE"
Going to see my hair stylist MIRA next week, on my vacation!
Your RANKIN/BASS Store is right here!!! I am going to start selling more direct and less on EBAY. Besides, I give volume discounts and can work a deal for you in a package of items! My most popular items are my RARE RANKIN/BASS DVDs from the archives and my RARE RANKIN/BASS CD soundtracks. Generally, I offer the DVDs for $20 time/trouble each and the CDs for $15. Some of the popular titles are THE FLIGHT OF DRAGONS. THE MAD, MAD, MAD COMEDIANS, THE TOMFOOLERY SHOW, THE HOBBIT, THE BERMUDA DEPTHS (Extended version), 1964 RUDOLPH w/ commercials, TALES OF THE WIZARD OF OZ, THE NEW ADVENTURES OF PINOCCHIO, THE LIFE AND ADVENTURES OF SANTA CLAUS, THE LEPRECHAUN'S CHRISTMAS GOLD, PINOCCHIO'S CHRISTMAS, etc. E-mail: Rickgoldsc@aol.com with questions and to combine orders. THANKS!!!
I would like to recommend our Sensational lawyer GEORGE ZADOROZNY for all of your legal needs! He is batting 1000% with us. You can e-mail him at: zorrolawyer@yahoo.com He has GREAT follow through and reasonable rates! If you are trying to collect money that you are owed, need a legal letter or advice; If you have been dealt with unfairly in any way....George is your man! Tell him Rick sent you.
Without SELLERS, EBAY would be out-of-business. Why is EBAY all of the sudden bullying sellers? Not only have they taken away the voice of the seller by not letting them leave a NUETRAL or NEGATIVE for buyers, or even respond to unwarranted NEGATIVES by buyers BUT now they threaten or suspend SELLERS for 30 days for unwarranted NEGATIVES and NUETRALS. FEEDBACK left by buyers with 0 or 1 FEEDBACK? This is EXTREMELY unfair and SELLERS have been leaving EBAY in droves. I also hear sales are down on business reports of late. Why???
Got hit with some heavy rain storms last night in the Chicagoland area...things are calming down this am. Still managed to pack up mail to ship off today! Luckily did not lose power last night. Have a GREAT Tuesday!
DEPT. 54 did these and based them somewhat off of the original RANKIN/BASS ANIMAGIC figures. Maybe with a bit of customization (especially with SANTA's beard and boots) YOU can get them to look like the real thing. www.timeandspacetoys.com
Do you remember picking up MARCH OF COMICS comic books at the shoe store, when you were a kid? Here are a few that I recently added to my collection. THE THREE STOOGES and THE BANANA SPLITS are very cool! I remember getting THE LONE RANGER as a kid.
This is a cool 1956 ad from my friend RON MURPHY of JACKIE GLEASON and his classic HONEYMOONERS series. On the back of the ad BUICK convertible cars were selling for around $1,995.00.