The village of Oak Lawn left this present for me this am? I had to get to hand therapy and can't shovel due to my neighbor George helps me out...
Posted by Thomas Frederick
A couple of my favorites...
Tuesday, February 09, 2010
Jack Davis' home in Georgia...designed by Jack Jr.. Jack's studio is to the right on top and the door seen on the bottom picture is to his studio.
It is like Christmas around here again! The snow is REALLY coming down right now...
Chris Wolfson let us know about this upcoming release in May? Should have been before this weekend :)
ME TV just aired the Christmas episode of THE ADDAMS FAMILY! I have the box set BUT this was a perfect day for that episode!
Since I am snowed in here and can't get to my Doctor's appointment, I may check out my DIRTY HARRY Blu-ray! It came in a nice book, just like NORTH BY NORTHWEST and has some cool extras. One of my favorite films of all-time. posted by Thomas Frederick
The kids are making RANKIN/BASS' FROSTY THE SNOWMAN replicas all over the neighborhood today!
WALMART has this CD for $5! It has all the tracks that were not used in the film too with a great cover from the original EP (Which I have too). They also have his second LP on CD for $5.
This special looks amazing in the 1960's PEANUTS DVD set! I also have the special on DVD with the commercials and bumpers...Coca-Cola, Dolly Madison, etc. Very cool!