I still have a limited number of THE MAKING OF THE HOLIDAY CLASSIC: RUDOLPH THE RED-NOSED REINDEER available in hardcover and you can purchase directly from me at Rickgoldsc@aol.com I want to publish my RANKIN/BASS TREASURY BOOK soon BUT may have to change publishers. I would like to get it out within the next year or so and things are moving a bit slow.
http://www.timeandspacetoys.com/If you live in the CHICAGOland area....TIME & SPACE TOYS will be at WIZARD WORLD CON this coming Friday through Sunday and there is also a MONSTER CON directly accross the street that they will have a booth at as well. You may run into our friends ALEX ROSS, MITCH O' CONNELL, MARK BRAUN, NOEL NEILL, RICH KOZ, etc. at the cons!
Love vintage rubber faced dolls like these. There were PINOCCHIO and OZ dolls created from the RANKIN/BASS series like these! Also love all the MATTEL dolls manufactured in the 1960's. Why doesn't a toy company produce something cool like these anymore?