This CHICAGO con may be one of the biggest RANKIN/BASS events thus far! My promo postcards came back from the printer today...I am very happy with them. We will give these out to visitors of the TIME & SPACE TOYS tables. KEVIN at TIME & SPACE brought a nice lit case for the ANIMAGIC figures of RUDOLPH & SANTA and made a throne for the live SANTA CLAUS to sit in for the DIGITAL PICS that can be taken. If you get your picture taken with SANTA and the two classic puppets, you get a $10 off coupon for any other merchandise at the tables. There will also be two professional girl models at the booth. One will be in a girl elf costume from RUDOLPH THE RED-NOSED REINDEER! Hope to meet many die hard fans over the three day period and I will post pictures from the event when I return home! WGN NEWS may be covering the event and they have already written about it on-line and in the CHICAGO TRIBUNE REDEYE newspaper.