PLEASE get your orders in early this year! Want to be as efficient as I can be on shipping things out. Keep an eye on EBAY to seller ANIMAGIC1 and MISER BROS. Just got in some 1964 RUDOLPH 8-1/2 x 11" posters signed by MAURY LAWS.
I saw MAURY LAWS last night and heard from ARTHUR RANKIN, JR. on Turkey Day and they both wanted me to pass along a HAPPY HOLIDAYS message to all of the GREAT RANKIN/BASS fans out there! Be sure to check them out in the NEW RANKIN/BASS Documentary on the NEW DELUXE EDITION DVD of THE YEAR WITHOUT A SANTA CLAUS!
Looking forward to saying hello to all the RANKIN/BASS fans in Columbus, Ohio at ! We will have a panel discussion SATURDAY at 3pm. The original RANKIN/BASS TV Spectacular ANIMAGIC figures of SANTA & RUDOLPH will be there along with tons of RANKIN/BASS merchandise at the booth! You can have your picture taken with the puppets and Santa! I will be signing books, answering questions, offering RARE stuff and showing some RARE stuff at the panel. Come out and say hello!!!
BOOKS, BOOKS & MORE BOOKS! You can pick up my RUDOLPH book at BIG KID COLLECTABLES on the West Coast, BROOKFIELD ZOO, BARNES & NOBLE (on-line), OR right here at and I will be signing all books ordered at RANKINBASS.COM thoughout the season! I am talking to a Publisher about an UPDATED version of my first book for Christmas, 2008! HAPPY THANKSGIVING!
The original RANKIN/BASS Animagic figures of SANTA CLAUS & RUDOLPH THE RED-NOSED REINDEER from the TV Musical Spectacular will be JINGLE, JINGLE, JINGLING their way into Ohio this holiday weekend! You can come and get your picture taken with them at the booth! Plans are for me to sign and sell books and RARE RANKIN/BASS merchandise the entire weekend and we will be doing a RANKIN/BASS Panel Discussion at 3pm on Saturday! I will also get to meet up with my old friends STEVE RUDE (World's Finest, Nexus), DAVID SHELDON (LOG Commercials, OLD NAVY) and TV's LOIS LANE NOEL NEILL. Come and say hello!
Check out my friend PATRICK OWSLEY's is at the right of this page. Also, my friend JERRY BECK has a NEW book out as of today called the HANNA-BARBERA TREASURY!
Check for THE WORLD OF FLEXITOON at THE BENDHEIM GALLERY in Greenwich, CT from November 29 through January 5th! Our friends Craig and Olga are pulling the strings on the puppets!
The original RUDOLPH & SANTA ANIMAGIC figures will appear at the MONROEVILLE MALL near PITTSBURGH 12-15-07 and 12-16-07 at a new store opened up!