Sunday, March 22, 2020

it's William Shatner's 89th birthday!

my friend Mort Drucker is 91 today!

I have been checking on my older friends and just got off the phone with Paul Coker, Jr.!  He is doing well and said he loves the Frosty books and is getting lots of nice feedback, as it sits on his coffee table.  Paul is a sweet guy and a legend in the Rankin/Bass Universe and the world of MAD Magazine!

March is going out like a Lion...but I like it!

An important message from the CEO of Miser Bros Press...from today's email. SALE at continues through Wednesday! Thank you for all of the wonderful orders so far! 🎅🤶 Some may be delayed a little, due to factory shut downs at the North pole, but Rudolph may pull them through 🦌 #sale #news #books #autographs #hats
