One of our favorites...Vincent Price would have been 100 years old today! We love him in so many things...BATMAN, THE MAD MAGICIAN, HOUSE OF WAX, VINCENT, ABBOTT & COSTELLO MEET FRANKENSTEIN and of course RANKIN/BASS' HERE COMES PETER COTTONTAIL.
This Willy DVD is cool! Never noticed it before BUT during the musical number "Showbiz" BUFFALO BILL is singing in front of a backdrop with different words and one frame says RANKIN NOIR :) Pastor also added the trailer and an appearance I made on CLTV in 2002 with the Sister Theresa ANIMAGIC figure! posted by Davey P.
The good quality Jay Ward commercial DVD arrives! Lots and lots of QUISP & QUAKE!
The improved Master of WILLY McBEAN came today too! THANKS Pastor!
I hope lots of kids walk around wearing these....AND WB pays Arthur Rankin the $ they owe him from THUNDERCATS!
A single panel of THE STARVING ARTISTS inked by Patrick Owsley :) The SPORTMART safety manual and a cel from an animated film of STARVING ARTISTS' Rick...
MAD MAGAZINE (Nick Meglin) hung on to this for a while and liked the idea...