Friday, May 05, 2023

Rankin/Bass Productions books all in-stock!

This is the first time I have had all six of my Hardcovers Rankin/Bass Productions books in-stock in 2023!  The cheapest way to get them is in bundles at

Even though the site says softcover, you do get hardcovers and I will sign and draw in them and you can send the personalization request to 

If you prefer to buy things through ETSY,  

I have a big article coming out this month from ReMind Magazine, that will set the record straight on Rankin/Bass' Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer once and for all.   It will also clarify the fact that the Animagic figures talked about for many years in the US (That I appeared with), were never used in the actual animation for the TV Special. It will include many photos and facts to illustrate the truth.  Keep a look out possibly next week!

The Rankin/Bass' Mad Monster Party blu ray package that I worked on has a new release date, which is June 02, 2023.  This will set a new gold standard for future Rankin/Bass Productions blu ray releases.



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