Thursday, April 09, 2020

Last Friday, I got the shocking phone call that my dear friemd, business partner, Co-Author, designer, etc., Wes Garlatz had passed away Thursday night April 2nd of a heart attack at age 52. I am still processing it 😢 A part of me died too. In 2011, Arthur Rankin, Jr., Wes and I Produced the book Rankin/Bass' Mad Monster Party, followed by the 15th Anniversary book of The Enchanted World of Rankin/Bass: A Portfolio. Arthur was proud to look back at this point. When he passed in 2014, Wes and I Produced The Arthur Rankim, Jr. Scrapbook to honor our dear friend and team member. In 2018, I was driven to get a book done on Santa Claus Is Comin' to Town and we obtained some help from Matthew Clayton Mitchell Witten and in 2019, Frosty the Snowman with help from Jonathan Johnson ! The Frosty book came out less than 3 months before Wes passed and I think I know why I felt the urgency. I am so glad we got those last two books done, because I feel they are our best work! Wes was a super guy and I will remember him through our books. I get so many compliments at my appearances for the design of the books and I know that is mostly wes' doing. We are going to try to do a memorial appearance in West Hollywood during the holidays 2020. You can't even have a proper wake/funeral now. Wes leaves his wife Joan and daughters Samantha and Sara behind, which I know meant everything to him. He was proud of them and his Rankin/Bass work at Miser Bros! I will always be proud of him and I dedicate the rest of my appearances to him. Please respect the family's privacy and direct any questions to me. #wesgarlatz #restinpeace

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