Saturday, September 14, 2019

Rocky Sodin's Southside Comic Book Show #2 was a big hit with old and young alike!

 Attendance was up nearly double from last year and on a beautiful September weather day too!
 I rolled out some extremely rare stuff on DVD and in my portfolios today!
 Darryl Young and I finally met (even though we have been friends on Facebook for a long while and have done shows together) and he gifted me this cool R/B Button set!

 Darryl, who was quite busy selling today!
 My friend Chris Radz stopped by and wanted me to send best wishes to my Dad.   They worked together on the Alsip Police Department and Chris became the Police Chief for many years until he retired.
 My neighbor George Tackes biked the 5 miles to the show, two years in a row!   Good to see him out and he and Darryl had a nice chat!
 I am ready for the next one!  Rocky and I are doing TOYZ 'N' COSPLAY next Sunday in Oak Lawn 9-2 pm!
 They had great food at the show and I ate early, but had to hit RAISING CANE'S on the way home!   BEST Chicken anywhere!
 I played Basketball at the Apollo when I was in Jr. High, but I remembered today that I took my first guitar lessons there in the early 1970s.   I remember the lessons were the night The Rookies were on and I hated to miss The Rookies.
79 for the High today and no humidity!   Beautiful, September Fall weather has arrived!!!

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