Monday, September 16, 2019

A frequent comment at my recent appearances from the Enchanting Rankin/Bass fans is, "I didn't know they made a Halloween one!," Just before buying the blu ray of Rankin/Bass' Mad Monster Party and then getting the book πŸŽƒ I always think to myself, "How cool is that, they get to discover the film for the first time that I have been promoting for over thirty years!" Then I go on to explain the Mad, Mad, Mad Monsters dvd. "It was an ABC Saturday Superstar Movie that was cel animated and combined the Bride of Frankenstein with the first storyline and added Modzilla." 😁 "Ok, I will get this one too." Halloween is such a fun holiday and the Rankin/Bass contributions (Including Jack O' Lantern from Festival of Family Classics) just make it more fun! πŸ•·πŸ¦‡πŸ•ΈπŸŽƒ #fall #halloween #madmonsterparty #shag #madmadmadmonsters #autumn #holiday #history #film #entertainment #news #rankinbass #television

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