Saturday, March 09, 2019

Another blu ray snafu!

I picked these up at Wal-mart tonight (after my event) and returning them all tomorrow! Universal is batting 1000 on their blu ray releases! So bad, I don't know where to start. This is the syndicated edited version, missing so many parts I couldn't list them all. Fades to solid black, credits edited, songs edited, etc. So careless, I have no idea how this was issued. As the Rankin/Bass historian/biographer, I wanted to make sure fans are aware and don't waste $. #easter #herecomespetercottontail #rankinbass The last HI DEF DVD, which was perfect, clocks in at 51 minutes. This blu ray is clocking in just over 42 minutes. As Evil Irontail says to Peter, "Careless, careless."

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