Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Happy Thanksgiving!

BOOK UPDATE: We were shooting for November 20th (the day my original book The Enchanted World of Rankin/Bass: A Portfolio was released in 1997), but we missed that by a little. Our goal was to put as much value in this book as possible, so we added team member Matthew Clayton Mitchell Witten to do a wonderful page layout and Wes Garlatz put his Amazing polish on the design, so we have something very special, unlike the debacle of some recent Rankin/Bass releases. The book went from originally being 270 pages, to coming in at 372 pages (See final cover design) and being our second biggest hardcover coffee table book! To all of you that pre-ordered, you will be getting one of our limited books for Christmas and for all of you that have not, but want one for Christmas....order soon! When I proof the book at the printer, I will do a facebook live for everyone to see. There are over 350 images and most have never been published, with lots of specific information on Santa Claus Is Comin' To Town and The Daydreamer. We couldn't be prouder! We have NEW holiday shirts this year (see photos) and I will have Christmas ornaments of some characters that have never been on R/B ornaments! Have a wonderful....

Thanksgiving and Merry Christmas! We are Thankful for your support! www.miserbros.com

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