Tuesday, August 28, 2018

This is what I was afraid of when Universal dropped the ball back in the Spring...people might think I am involved with this complete trash!


From a facebook friend Anthony:   DreamWorks/Universal is releasing the Rankin/Bass Christmas Specials on DVD/Blu-ray again this October and if you're wondering if these are the same anniversary editions released a few years ago, surprisingly they're not! They'll be brand new deluxe editions with extras! Courtesy of Amazon:
Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer:
• The Animagic World of Rankin/Bass
• Restoring the Puppets of Rudolph
• Reimagining Rudolph in 4D
• Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer Attraction Film
• T.E.A.M. Rudolph and the Reindeer Games
Frosty the Snowman:
• The Animagic World of Rankin/Bass
• Original Pencil Test
• Commentary by Animation Historian Mark Evanier
Santa Claus Is Comin' to Town:
• The Animagic World of Rankin/Bass
• Commentary by Animation Historian Greg Ehrbar
I'm guessing that Animagic World is that featurette our pal Rick Goldschmidt was teasing about a few months back (and no doubt these releases are his doing, so thanks Rick!)
The 3 specials will be available on both formats seperately or in a box set which will also contain The Little Drummer Boy and Cricket on the Hearth:
Do note though, you might want to keep your anniversary editions from a few years ago anyway since they have some extras not ported over.
Anyway, do get these anyway since these are the editions of the classic Rankin/Bass specials we've been wanting for such a long time! Thanks again DreamWorks, Universal, and of course, Rick. ;)

I had absolutely nothing to do with the Rankin/Bass blu rays that are being solicited for the 2018 season!   The only two Rankin/Bass blu rays that were done right and I recommend are The Year Without A Santa Claus and Mad Monster Party.   I Co-Produced the documentaries and the documentaries had all the right people in them.   I see a name in this listing of a guy I appeared with at the Mid-Ohio Con in 2007.  I had the original Rudolph and Santa Claus puppets on display there and he didn't even come over to see them and had no interest in Rankin/Bass Productions what-so-ever, yet he is doing commentary on one of these blu rays.  Again, I have the 1964 ending in color and many other rare artifacts and information from Rudolph, Frosty and especially Santa Claus Is Comin' To Town (My new book), but there was 0 interest from these parties.   It reminds me of The Partridge Family episode, when the Skunk gets on the bus "But the memory Lingers On."   Only in this case, many skunks got on this bus!  I have always recommended the 2001 CBS/GOLDEN BOOKS DVD Editions of Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, Frosty the Snowman and Santa Claus Is Comin' To Town with the Rankin/Bass name large on the front and the Arthur Rankin, Jr. introductions and extra content.   It looks like these are still the best editions to date.

I will be doing many television interviews, radio interviews and media interviews about the blu rays and my new book this holiday season!   If you want to set one up, fill out our media request form at www.miserbros.com  

I repeat:   STINK!  STANK!  STUNK!

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