Thursday, May 17, 2018


Super Busy day! (even though I was on the road)  Lining up some West Coast appearances with a few Rankin/Bass Animagic figure guests from The Daydreamer (can you believe it?) to promote my NEW book!  Who lives in California and wants to see a few, cool Rankin/Bass puppets in person?  I also found out what items will be featured on my television appearance and I am excited to talk about this, with my son Josh playing a guest role, on my favorite network! #wednesday #thedaydreamer #rankinbass #themakingofsantaclausiscomintotownandthedaydreamer #television #film #thelittlemermaid #theseawitch #shag  photograph C. 2012 Miser Bros Press/Rick Goldschmidt Archives

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