Tuesday, August 13, 2013


When people come over to the house, they always ask "Is that Adam West's cowl?"  It is an exact replica of the one he wore during the first season of the series and in the 1966 feature film (and boy was I lucky to get one!).  The material and color (Adam's originals have faded and discolored) are perfect.  There are some cowls that are circulating today at high prices, that are too shiny, the wrong color and the black around the eyes and nose is too flat and abrupt.  It is kind of like the Barris Batmobile copies that circulate, that are missing much of the detail and the pin stripes are way too thick.  Even the original BATMOBILE that sold earlier this year, was missing parts and had many re-fabricated parts added.  I am a stickler for details.

These window figures look Amazing in person!  I REALLY like them!

 This is the cowl that matches mine in every detail...

This is the shiny cowl I was talking about....If this is the "Best"....then I have never seen the first season of BATMAN or the 1966 feature film. (or any of the many publicity photos from it)  It's nice BUT not the "Best."  Good try though.

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