Tuesday, February 02, 2010

TOYOTA recall (Runaway cars)

On the ABC national news tonight, the co-founder of APPLE said he believes the problem with run away cars is definitely with the software. He said he tried to call the people in power at TOYOTA, to no avail. He has a new model that has had this problem and it surprised him, the first time it excellerated to 100 miles per hour. The reason I am posting this, is that I had a very similar problem about two months ago, visiting my daughter in Champaign. After driving many miles on the expressway, the check engine light came on and the motor was doing crazy things, as if the transmission was going crazy. I took it to the Champaign TOYOTA dealership the next am and they replaced the computer chip. They said they have had many issues like mine and they were very familiar with the software problems. My car is a 2005 TOYOTA COROLLA (which is not part of the recall). In all the cases of runaway cars...including LEXUS and other cars made by TOYOTA, the local news has reported that the accidents had nothing to do with the pedals or the floor matts.
Posted by Thomas Frederick

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