Monday, July 27, 2009


Leonard Nimoy
Mark Hamill
A good friend of mine sent along these pictures from the SAN DIEGO COMICON this past weekend. I have been hearing many more complaints about this con as of late. I was there a few times many years ago and it was a fun, comic book related event! I got to hang out with Jack Kirby, Steve Rude, Jim Steranko, Patrick Owsley, etc. Now, it looks like it is about everything BUT comic books and great comic book artists. I am hearing it is so crowded that you can't even get down aisles? COMIC BOOKS have been going down hill for a long while now, so it doesn't surprise me that this event is too. Do you remember when you had to have talent and an art background, to do comic book art? Take a look at what is on comic book racks now.

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