Sunday, June 14, 2009

PIXAR's THE ART OF UP book a BIG thumbs UP!

Boy, am I gald I didn't listen to the reviewers at AMAZON on this book. This book is just as good as any of the other of the PIXAR Art of books...maybe even a little better. Tim Hauser did a bang up job! PIXAR also cites RANKIN/BASS as a HUGE influence on the film. They were trying to create that "Animagic" type look and feel, since it was to be in 3-D. I would love to storyboard the next PIXAR classic. After I did my first post about UP, two weeks later I heard the WGN radio morning team saying the same exact things about the heart and warmth, awful trailers from the PIXAR copy cats, etc.
My friend Albert Lozano designed and worked on alot of this film! I LOVE this design (My favorite in the film). Albert and I became friends when he was working at SPUMCO.

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