Sunday, September 21, 2008

More pics from Fairmount, Indiana

This gas pump was on the farm back when Jimmy lived there!

We got to go through some pictures that were sent to MARK from a display/exhibit in Europe (4 boxes worth). He is going to try to display them around his car garage. 60 MINUTES was out a few weeks ago to do a piece. He may use my song "James Byron Dean" from RICK GOLDSCHMIDT SINGS, if the right project comes along. He co-Produced the excellent documentary JAMES DEAN: FOREVER YOUNG, which is available on DVD.

On the WINSLOW farm

Josh walking downtown Fairmount


Jimmy drove this car around Fairmount when he would visit. This is the car he took to the High School dance when he came back for the LIFE Magazine shoot.

A collection from GIANT! The fence (from the roof of the home in the film) and theatre display are at the Historical museum.

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