Sunday, February 24, 2008

RANKIN/BASS TV GUIDE article...when TV GUIDE was read by millions...

Click pictures to enlarge to read. Frank DeCaro wrote this article back in 1999 and when it came out in the magazine, we got over 10,000 hits at in a week! Frank and I became friends over the years and he wrote several more articles about RANKIN/BASS for TV GUIDE (I will post a few more soon) and I appeared on his New York Radio show a few years back. We had mutual friends in ALEX ROSS and I met him at one of Alex's Halloween parties, which Frank wrote a New York Times article about and mentioned me as THE GREEN HORNET. I remember when Frank interviewed JULES BASS...he said, "He must live right around the block from me. I heard an ambulance drive past my building and then I heard it in the background when I was talking to him on the phone."

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