Saturday, October 14, 2006


Just listed MONSTERSCENE #9 on EBAY and it brings back some good memories. It came out a year before my book THE ENCHANTED WORLD OF RANKIN/BASS: A PORTFOLIO in 1996. I wrote the article 'THE MAD MAD MAD MONSTERS OF RANKIN/BASS' for this issue. I remember my copies of the magazine arrived just before ARTHUR RANKIN, JR. came to my home to go over the book outline. I gave him a copy of the magazine to read on his flight home. The cover painting by BASIL GOGOS completely blew me away! I was always a fan of his BUT his art was getting better with age and his MONSTERSCENE work was some of his very BEST! I asked BASIL to do some art for my first book and he did send along a FRANKENSTEIN with a SANTA hat BUT it arrived after my book was already is the art seen for the first time!

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