Monday, July 15, 2013


     I have never given WIKIPEDIA or IMDB much thought over the years and never used them in writing my books.  Some RANKIN/BASS fans would occasionally email me and asked is this true?  I read it on WIKIPEDIA or IMDB and 9 times out of 10, it was wrong.  I decided to take a look at what WIKIPEDIA had up on Arthur and Jules about a week ago and I found all sorts of errors.  They list one film for Arthur and Jules' filmography and they made many.   They have Arthur listed as Supervising animator on THE FOX & THE HOUND and THE BLACK CAULDREN?????

     I made several attempts (after registering there) to correct and add to the incorrect information, without any luck at all.  I emailed one of the people at the site and told them what was happening and that I am Arthur and Jules' biographer and they said it was reverting, because I was capitalizing some of the words....untrue (like much of their site).   It turns out that WIKIPEDIA has many programs in place that revert changes back to the original, incorrect information.   Several of my historian friends have had the same problem as I.  Why would anyone want to support a site with all sorts of errors?

     For the correct information on Arthur Rankin, Jr. and Jules Bass, pick up my books and/or keep visiting my blog.  We hope to have back up in the near future too :)

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