Tuesday, December 16, 2008


I talked with BILLIE MAE's daughter CYNDI today and this was the latest news she gave me on BILLIE:

Mom did have a second stroke in Feb that has given her some difficulty with finding the right words sometimes. She’s well aware when she makes mistakes and it gets frustrating for her.

We watched the recent NBC Countdown of the Most Popular Christmas Movies and TV Specials. In fact one of the guys responsible for getting all the permission and contracts together was so excited to connect that he is sending me a book for Mom to autograph.

We still get fans sending in pictures for her to sign from all over the States and Canada but the most are from the U.S. The letters that accompany them are always so heartfelt, how much “Rudolph” has meant to people growing up and now with their own children (and not only just at Christmas time I hear). I read all the letters to Mom and I must say it’s hard to read them without getting choked up...she has touched so many people...

Talking for long periods some days can be a little more tiring and other days she’s just fine. So don’t worry, just call and I’ll let you know how things are going. As far as being on air...I’ll ask her first thing tomorrow and let her decide if she’s up for it.

I’m going to attach a great pic from about 5 years ago before any strokes when she was in our studio recording the narration of a children’s book I’ve written for release with score by my husband and included with the book. I think you’ll like the pic.

Just let everyone know, she’s a fighter and is putting on her old tap shoes tomorrow to start practicing a routine she just remembered, she’ll be sitting down doing it but her eyes will be twinkling.

It is possible that BILLIE MAE may be on THE ROE CONN SHOW with us tomorrow night...so tune in! She is a fighter and she loves to talk about RUDOLPH!

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