Wednesday, December 13, 2006


First of all, I talked to ARTHUR RANKIN, JR. over the weekend and he sends HAPPY HOLIDAY GREETINGS to all the RANKIN/BASS fans! My Tuesday started out with a radio show in Lubbock, Texas (Home of BUDDY HOLLY) and it flowed very well! I did it as I was driving North on LAKE SHORE DRIVE. I mailed tons of packages from my EBAY accounts (ANIMAGIC1 and MISER BROS), so if you ordered is on the way! I was asked to be on a RADIO show in Williamsburg, Virginia later this week on WXVA. I was also asked to do an on-line chat on 12-21-06 7pm at They will have my podcast interview up there in a few days! is also getting tons of RANKIN/BASS orders! If you want RANKIN/BASS items...they have them all! I have been informed by many that the LIVE-ACTION special of THE YEAR WITHOUT A SANTA CLAUS laid a HUGE egg last night (I guess that is why they offered the DVD right away...before people saw it). All of the e-mails I got were negative (Not one positive). My friend PATRICK OWSLEY could only make it through about 20 minutes before turning it off. At least the focus will be on the classic RANKIN/BASS special!

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