Monday, December 11, 2006


Another reason the companies that own the CLASSIC RANKIN/BASS TV Specials have decided to just call them "Christmas Classics" is so they can package the GREAT RANKIN/BASS specials with these lousy, inferior re-make specials like FROSTY RETURNS (Which was panned in the NEW YORK TIMES), THE LEGENDS OF FROSTY THE SNOWMAN, HERE COMES PETER COTTONTAIL (In bad CGI), RUDOLPH & THE ISLAND OF MISFIT TOYS, etc. These badly mis-guided specials are packaged together with the RANKIN/BASS specials that have built a following as a way to sell them for more $ as an extra value BUT fans hate them! I did an interview this AM on New York Radio and the DJ said he turned FROSTY RETURNS off in the first 3 minutes. ARTHUR RANKIN told me that his suggestions for the FROSTY re-makes, like hire PAUL COKER (Who designed the original look) fell on deaf ears. The only FROSTY sequel is FROSTY'S WINTER WONDERLAND by RANKIN/BASS!

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