Tuesday, October 31, 2006

RUDOLPH is guiding Santa's way to CHICAGO for THANKSGIVING!

RUDOLPH THE RED-NOSED REINDEER is having THANKSGIVING Dinner with me this year and the following day we are sharing him and SANTA with CHICAGO! Then he is off to PITTSBURGH for a collector's show the following weekend (Check www.timeandspacetoys.com for details) and he will spend CHRISTMAS at the CENTER FOR PUPPETRY ARTS in Atlanta, GA with out friend ALAN LOUIS! For a reindeer who has been on ice for years...he is really getting around! This is his second trip to CHICAGO this year!

1 comment:

  1. He that's some nice news you got there. Spending Thanksgiving with Rudolph is something to be cherished. Well since you are already having such a great celebration you can you can definitely light it yp more by borrowing ideas from this
    Thanksgiving Blog. It's really cool so check it out as soon as you can!!!


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