Season's Greetings

 I am getting calls from old friends about my article on The Little Drummer boy in RetroFan Magazine!   I appreciate your kind words.  I have also received calls from friends I haven't heard from in the while saying "What the F!?" about the new dvds and blu rays.   Apparently the extra content had very little value whatsoever.   I am told there are many talking heads, that had no connection to Rankin/Bass what-so-ever, offering nothing about the history of Arthur Rankin, Jr. and Jules Bass.  That is very sad to me.  I worked with both over thirty years and have a deep archives that would have been a far greater value than the sub-standard stuff that is out there.  Maury Laws always said to me, "Onward and Upward!"  Sales have been tremendous this holiday season, even in this deep recession.   People want to escape to when times were good!  I am so glad to be a part of the Rankin/Bass History!  I am glad I can make people's lives a little brighter.

Thank You for making this Holiday season the best one yet!

I am still getting book orders in daily!  Shirts are on their way too!   I plan on appearing in New Jersey, New York, Maryland, Atlanta and a few other places in 2023!   Busy season!  Thank You!