Arthur Rankin, Jr. Was the art director on this episode and remembered the incident where he didn't break the prop chair during the live performance, because he thought it was another run through. #lonchaneyjr #rankinbass #talesoftomorrow #abcartdirector #arthurankinjr  *MONSTER BASH posted this picture on FACEBOOK today

MACH a go go!

Original white logo title restored in the open and the series looks amazing!  Wish the TRANS LUX logo was restored too BUT I will take what I can get!  Love watching in the right ratio too!

OZ: The National Convention

If you're planning to attend Oz, the National Convention Aug. 3-6 this year, the time to register is ... now. Seriously, we are two months out and need to get a handle on headcount. Plus every time Scott Cummings mails an e-newsletter, he awards a unique Oz print to someone who's registered. And you can't win if you aren't registered. Just sayin! Join us for this unforgettable weekend packed with Oz fun and friends. We start with a kick off party at Wally Krueger's house Thursday night and don't stop until late Sunday. It'll be so worth the trip! Plan now, and get that registration in! www.OzConvention.org   - Jane Albright

 The Starving Artists will be playing on the roof of the Joliet Historical Museum from 9:00 pm until 10:30 pm August 4th too!  We will be hosting an OZ Music night with various performers.